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1   /*
2    * Copyright  2000-2002,2004 The Apache Software Foundation
3    *
4    *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
5    *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
6    *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
7    *
8    *
9    *
10   *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
11   *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
12   *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
13   *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
14   *  limitations under the License.
15   *
16   */
18  package org.woopi.ant.taskdefs.junit;
20  import;
21  import java.util.Enumeration;
22  import java.util.Vector;
23  import;
24  import;
25  import;
27  /***
28   * <p> Create then run <code>JUnitTest</code>'s based on the list of files
29   *     given by the fileset attribute.
30   *
31   * <p> Every <code>.java</code> or <code>.class</code> file in the fileset is
32   * assumed to be a testcase.
33   * A <code>JUnitTest</code> is created for each of these named classes with
34   * basic setup inherited from the parent <code>BatchTest</code>.
35   *
36   * @see JUnitTest
37   */
38  public final class BatchTest extends BaseTest {
40      /*** the reference to the project */
41      private Project project;
43      /*** the list of filesets containing the testcase filename rules */
44      private Vector filesets = new Vector();
46      /***
47       * create a new batchtest instance
48       * @param project     the project it depends on.
49       */
50      public BatchTest(Project project) {
51          this.project = project;
52      }
54      /***
55       * Add a new fileset instance to this batchtest. Whatever the fileset is,
56       * only filename that are <tt>.java</tt> or <tt>.class</tt> will be
57       * considered as 'candidates'.
58       * @param     fs the new fileset containing the rules to get the testcases.
59       */
60      public void addFileSet(FileSet fs) {
61          filesets.addElement(fs);
62      }
64      /***
65       * Return all <tt>JUnitTest</tt> instances obtain by applying the fileset rules.
66       * @return  an enumeration of all elements of this batchtest that are
67       * a <tt>JUnitTest</tt> instance.
68       */
69      public final Enumeration elements() {
70          JUnitTest[] tests = createAllJUnitTest();
71          return Enumerations.fromArray(tests);
72      }
74      /***
75       * Convenient method to merge the <tt>JUnitTest</tt>s of this batchtest
76       * to a <tt>Vector</tt>.
77       * @param v the vector to which should be added all individual tests of this
78       * batch test.
79       */
80      final void addTestsTo(Vector v) {
81          JUnitTest[] tests = createAllJUnitTest();
82          v.ensureCapacity(v.size() + tests.length);
83          for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
84              v.addElement(tests[i]);
85          }
86      }
88      /***
89       * Create all <tt>JUnitTest</tt>s based on the filesets. Each instance
90       * is configured to match this instance properties.
91       * @return the array of all <tt>JUnitTest</tt>s that belongs to this batch.
92       */
93      private JUnitTest[] createAllJUnitTest() {
94          String[] filenames = getFilenames();
95          JUnitTest[] tests = new JUnitTest[filenames.length];
96          for (int i = 0; i < tests.length; i++) {
97              String classname = javaToClass(filenames[i]);
98              tests[i] = createJUnitTest(classname);
99          }
100         return tests;
101     }
103     /***
104      * Iterate over all filesets and return the filename of all files
105      * that end with <tt>.java</tt> or <tt>.class</tt>. This is to avoid
106      * wrapping a <tt>JUnitTest</tt> over an xml file for example. A Testcase
107      * is obviously a java file (compiled or not).
108      * @return an array of filenames without their extension. As they should
109      * normally be taken from their root, filenames should match their fully
110      * qualified class name (If it is not the case it will fail when running the test).
111      * For the class <tt>org/apache/Whatever.class</tt> it will return <tt>org/apache/Whatever</tt>.
112      */
113     private String[] getFilenames() {
114         Vector v = new Vector();
115         final int size = this.filesets.size();
116         for (int j = 0; j < size; j++) {
117             FileSet fs = (FileSet) filesets.elementAt(j);
118             DirectoryScanner ds = fs.getDirectoryScanner(project);
119             ds.scan();
120             String[] f = ds.getIncludedFiles();
121             for (int k = 0; k < f.length; k++) {
122                 String pathname = f[k];
123                 if (pathname.endsWith(".java")) {
124                     v.addElement(pathname.substring(0, pathname.length() - ".java".length()));
125                 } else if (pathname.endsWith(".class")) {
126                     v.addElement(pathname.substring(0, pathname.length() - ".class".length()));
127                 }
128             }
129         }
131         String[] files = new String[v.size()];
132         v.copyInto(files);
133         return files;
134     }
136     /***
137      * Convenient method to convert a pathname without extension to a
138      * fully qualified classname. For example <tt>org/apache/Whatever</tt> will
139      * be converted to <tt>org.apache.Whatever</tt>
140      * @param filename the filename to "convert" to a classname.
141      * @return the classname matching the filename.
142      */
143     public static final String javaToClass(String filename) {
144         return filename.replace(File.separatorChar, '.');
145     }
147     /***
148      * Create a <tt>JUnitTest</tt> that has the same property as this
149      * <tt>BatchTest</tt> instance.
150      * @param classname the name of the class that should be run as a
151      * <tt>JUnitTest</tt>. It must be a fully qualified name.
152      * @return the <tt>JUnitTest</tt> over the given classname.
153      */
154     private JUnitTest createJUnitTest(String classname) {
155         JUnitTest test = new JUnitTest();
156         test.setName(classname);
157         test.setHaltonerror(this.haltOnError);
158         test.setHaltonfailure(this.haltOnFail);
159         test.setFiltertrace(this.filtertrace);
160         test.setFork(this.fork);
161         test.setIf(this.ifProperty);
162         test.setUnless(this.unlessProperty);
163         test.setTodir(this.destDir);
164         test.setFailureProperty(failureProperty);
165         test.setErrorProperty(errorProperty);
166         Enumeration list = this.formatters.elements();
167         while (list.hasMoreElements()) {
168             test.addFormatter((FormatterElement) list.nextElement());
169         }
170         return test;
171     }
173 }